Who and what is I’m Resource Association?
We are a non-profit association and not profit-oriented. The main purpose of the I’m Resource association is to research and keep our environment healthy.
For this we use microorganisms that we multiply into vital flora. These microbes are also used in health promotion and in the nutritional sector.
It is nice for us as I’m Resource Institut to be active in the future with research in the field of a healthy environment and the promotion of health for humans and animals and to allow you to participate in all knowledge and experience.
Our location and research location on the coast of Slovenia is part of the project for living in harmony with nature.
For this we use 2 residential building containers to research the regional way of life. As a user of the Bioladen.Bio website, you can order and use all projects.
When you log in (registration) you automatically become a support member. This membership is free of charge for you.
With this membership option you can participate in the research of the association based on your experience.
Your findings and findings are therefore of great importance to us.
Another possibility to support or promote us would be the sponsoring membership. Our sponsoring members work as natural hairdressers, alternative practitioners, doctors, pharmacists or similar professions that are beneficial to human health. As a supporting member, the institute in Slovenia is responsible for you. The dispatch also takes place from here. Supporting membership is granted upon application. The board of the association decides on the admission.
The contribution would be 150, – or 210, – € per year. The amount of the membership fee has an impact on the fees for the projects you receive.
The 3 possibilities of membership would be honorary membership. Honorary members are people who have rendered outstanding services to the association and its goals. However, this is awarded by resolution of the club management. 1. Board member Donna Pillilini
We would like to welcome you as a new sustaining member. If you want, we will send you an application for this.